About Us

Green IT Switzerland is the platform for the exchange of experience, tools and knowledge on Green IT topics in Switzerland. We are the forum for companies and experts to develop, exchange and pass on knowledge and experience in the ICT field in relation to energy and resource consumption.

Initial situation and motivation

Worldwide, the ICT sector contributes approximately 2% to global man-made CO2 emissions and is thus roughly equivalent to that of international air traffic. In Europe and Switzerland, ICT, together with consumer electronics, accounts for about 10% of total electricity consumption. Despite the growing demand for ICT infrastructure, intelligent “green” IT can limit or even reduce the increase in power consumption.


The initiators of the Green IT Switzerland platform are the Green IT Division of the Swiss Informatics Society (SI) and the Swiss Telecommunications Association (asut). Its members are companies, public corporations, NGOs and private individuals.

Working Groups

We develop our knowledge and tools in various teams consisting of members and other experts. The following working groups are currently active:

Green in IT

  • Assessments: Development of Green IT checklists and catalogues of measures
  • Datacenter: Handling of all datacenter specific questions
  • Green IT Global (GRIG): Elaboration of Green IT examples, participation in surveys
  • Manufacturer Challenge: Interaction between Purchasing – Customer Requirements – Manufacturer Knowledge (RFQ) – Sales to develop specific purchasing requirements

Green by IT

  • Digital transformation: Identification of multiple benefits of digitally supported work processes and services (sustainability benefits)