Five times more companies participated in 2017 compared to 2015 in a survey of Alliance Green IT (AGIT) about Green IT activities in France.
Our Green IT Global (GRIG) colleague from AGIT, Thomas Mesplede, has sent us the latest edition of the “Green IT Barometer”. The main goals of this tool are:
- To identify the state of development of Green IT measures with the help of a biennial survey
- The ability for companies to measure their maturity in the use of environmentally responsible ICT services
Green IT practices have been categorized into 8 different categories: Infrastructure, Datacenter, Purchasing, Printing, End of Life, Governance, Desktop, Applications
The 2017 barometer confirms the recognition of the general environmental challenges.
For example, there is a lot of progress in the area of printing such as combining individual printers into central batch printers or optimizing the printer settings (default setting for double-sided printing and black-and-white printing).
Employees’ awareness of Green IT has also improved significantly, along with management’s commitment to maintaining these practices. We find that the economic leverage usually drives these activities, especially in large companies where green IT investments can provide significant savings (eg turn off the screens at night, virtualisation of servers, etc.).
The very strong increase in the number of responding companies (5 times more than in 2015) and the active participation of our relay partners show that Green IT is progressing strongly … and that it is no longer “the most important of my secondary tasks” ,
AGIT is determined and optimistic to drive Green IT forward, relying in particular on corporate decision makers.