L’organisation Green IT Global (GRIG) a publié «What’s up Green IT, 2018» décrivant de nombreux projets Green IT, avec les leçons apprises, les résultats et l’impact des meilleures pratiques.
In English:
The aim of this publication, and GRIG’s mission, is to be the ecosystem of knowledge and innovation on Green IT, and a driving force for innovation and sustainability. A collaboration drawing on the expertise of our member organisations in France, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK has led to this publication. We hope that our readers get inspired with their own Green IT ambitions.
All four organisations work very hard to improve the sustainability – by promoting Green IT, by participating in research and innovation projects and by helping both governments and businesses to be able to access relevant Green IT technology. In other words: we are creating a global Green IT eco system.
Over Green IT Global
Green IT Global is a not-for-profit coalition of Green IT focused organisations forming a collaborative ecosystem network. Green IT Global is an initiative started by Alliance Green IT (France), Green IT Amsterdam (Netherlands), Green IT Switzerland (Switzerland) and Sustainability for London (United Kingdom). We believe that by joining forces and sharing opportunities, in addition to through our individual organisations, we create a strong hub of Green IT expertise which can consolidate and amplify across countries, regions and sectors. Please find our downloadable Manifesto here.
About Green IT Switzerland
The objective of Green IT Switzerland, the Green IT Special Interest Group of the Swiss Informatics Society is the establishment and operation of a platform for sustainable developments in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. It is the forum for ICT professionals to discuss sustainability matters and to point out relevant developments. It provides mostly free services to government units, companies, households and educational institutions.
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