Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Schweiz und Finland
Forscher der Universität Tampere werden KMUs in Finnland unterstützen, um sie mit Informatik-Unterstützung nachhaltiger zu machen. Sie werden gleichzeitig die bestehenden Green IT SIG Assessments und Massnahmen weiterentwickeln.
(in Englisch)
The Assessment Workshop run by Green IT group took place at the Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich in Zurich on 11th of May 2017. Two special guests from Finland, Jari Leppäniemi and Jari Soini from the Tampere University of Technology in Pori, Finland were joined by veteran members of Green IT, Beat Koch, Niklaus Meyer, and Sarah Vowles.
The goal of the workshop was first to give a basic introduction of the assessment approach and actions application that was designed by the Green IT, and second to brainstorm as a group having diverse experiences what approaches to designing assessment and implementations could be taken which would translate into viable applications for SMEs in Finland.
The workshop was presented by Beat Koch and Niklaus Meyer and Jari Leppäniemi and Jari Soini gave a related presentation of Green ICT pilots at Satakunta, which summed up in a few words focused on providing solutions to diverse SMEs that would further act as a catalyst, producing a “technology push’ (accelerated demand) toward more sustainable energy platforms, or as Jari and Jani term it “the me too effect”.
As a result of the workshop, collaborations were further defined and an action plan for more development was devised. It was decided to divide the move forward into three phases, which would then be carried out on a collaborative basis between Switzerland and Finland.
Phase One: Creating a selection of questions for SMEs from the checklist and determine what actions of the assessment could be linked up; Phase Two: The undertaking of a simple assessment as a list of actions to undertake while simultaneously keeping aware of any possibilities that could lead to improvement; Phase Three: Designing of a web interface, its implementation and testing, and the carrying out of pilot studies with selected SMEs
The entire collaboration should result in being able to send assessments to the pilot SMEs, in order to get answers from both sides and to provide a set of statistics that could be shared across partnerships. All and all, it could be said that the guests from Finland further revealed the potentials of Green IT with a broad range of targets and the Green IT group was further motivated to provide the proper approach and tools for accomplishing the tasks ahead.
Monika Rut, Green IT SIG